Kudardup Heights



Stage 5 Kudardup Heights

Stage 6 - This new release will not last long.

After Stage 5 sold out in record time, we're thrilled to release Stage 6 in our sought-after estate, offering a new selection of premium lots that continue our commitment to quality and excellence.

Lot Number Area (approx)
119 2077m² UNDER OFFER
120 2090m² UNDER OFFER
121 2076m² UNDER OFFER
122 2117m² UNDER OFFER
123 2125m² UNDER OFFER
124 2143m² UNDER OFFER
125 2083m² UNDER OFFER
126 2142m² UNDER OFFER
127 2041m² UNDER OFFER
144 2014m² UNDER OFFER
145 2289m² $285,000
146 2158m² UNDER OFFER
147 2305m² UNDER OFFER
148 2331m² UNDER OFFER

Stage 5, sold out in record time.

Discover our newest offering at Kudardup Heights, located conveniently at the Bussell Highway end of this quality estate.
This stage includes an enticing blend of lifestyle and rural living lots, ranging from 2206m² to 1.2420ha in size.

Lot Number Area (approx)
105 3374m² UNDER OFFER
106 2205m² UNDER OFFER
107 2900m² UNDER OFFER
108 2609m² UNDER OFFER
109 2713m² UNDER OFFER
110 2823m² UNDER OFFER
111 5974m² UNDER OFFER
112 7056m² UNDER OFFER
113 3840m² UNDER OFFER
114 3840m² UNDER OFFER
115 3840m² UNDER OFFER
116 3840m² UNDER OFFER
117 3840m² UNDER OFFER
118 5856m² UNDER OFFER
149 1.000ha UNDER OFFER
150 1.0257ha UNDER OFFER
151 1.2283ha UNDER OFFER
152 1.2420ha UNDER OFFER

Stage 4 is now sold out!

Stage 4 offers lots ranging from 3003m² to 3784m².
To access detailed information about upcoming releases or currently available lots, please contact JMW Real Estate.

Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Lifestyle 94 3001m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 95 3044m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 96 3004m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 97 3011m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 98 3005m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 99 3000m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 100 3003m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 101 3009m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 102 3003m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 103 3008m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 104 3784m² Under Offer

Stage 3B - Limited Lots Remaining

We are proud to present and welcome you to the exciting Stage 3B of Kudardup Heights - where living large doesn’t cost the earth.

This current release of proposed lots range in size from 2,003sqm to 3,064sqm.
This quaint village is a superb mixture of large lots, providing a peaceful and pleasant lifestyle to the south of Margaret River.

Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Lifestyle 67 2076m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 68 2026m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 69 2056m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 70 2054m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 71 2103m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 72 2212m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 78 2003m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 79 2032m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 80 2481m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 81 2253m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 82 2211m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 83 2049m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 84 3064m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 85 2090m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 86 2155m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 87 2004m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 88 2013m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 89 2459m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 90 2554m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 91 2419m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 92 2058m² Under Offer
Lifestyle 93 2076m² Under Offer

Stage 3A is Kudardup's newest land release and is now available for presales.

Offering only 8 lots ranging from 2054m² to 1.1210ha, only minutes from Augusta.

Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Rural Living 64 1.0000ha UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 65 1.0003ha UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 66 1.1210ha UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 73 2170m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 74 2068m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 75 2059m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 76 2115m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 77 2054m² UNDER OFFER

Stage 2B - SOLD OUT

Offering 19 lots ranging from 2000m² to 1.0029ha.

Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Rural Living 38 1.0029ha SOLD
Lifestyle 39 2000m² SOLD
Lifestyle 40 2000m² SOLD
Lifestyle 41 2001m² SOLD
Lifestyle 42 2009m² SOLD
Lifestyle 43 2038m² SOLD
Lifestyle 44 2021m² SOLD
Lifestyle 45 2086m² SOLD
Lifestyle 46 2095m² SOLD
Lifestyle 47 2494m² SOLD
Lifestyle 48 2248m² SOLD
Lifestyle 49 2667m² SOLD
Lifestyle 50 2144m² SOLD
Lifestyle 55 2063m² SOLD
Lifestyle 56 2094m² SOLD
Lifestyle 57 2095m² SOLD
Lifestyle 58 2174m² SOLD
Lifestyle 59 2064m² SOLD
Lifestyle 60 2072m² SOLD

Stage 2A offers 9 Lifestyle lots in the beautiful South West region.

Pre-sales are now available and titles are estimated to be available for the subdivided lots in June 2022.
This date is not fixed and is subject to variation and purchasers will be kept updated of changes to the estimate.


Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Lifestyle 29 2000m² SOLD
Lifestyle 30 2730m² SOLD
Lifestyle 51 2000m² SOLD
Lifestyle 52 2003m² SOLD
Lifestyle 53 2010m² SOLD
Lifestyle 54 2005m² SOLD
Lifestyle 61 2072m² SOLD
Lifestyle 62 2094m² SOLD
Lifestyle 63 2043m² SOLD

Stage 1b offers another 10 lots with work commencing April 2021.

Pre-sales are now available and titles are estimated to be available for the subdivided lots in December 2021. This date is not fixed and is subject to variation and purchasers will be kept updated of changes to the estimate.

Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Lifestyle 31 2033m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle  32 2092m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle  33 2249m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 34 2009m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 35 2026m² UNDER OFFER
Lifestyle 36 2018m² UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 16 2.3934ha UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 17 2.0057ha UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 18 1.0010ha UNDER OFFER
Rural Living 37 1.0010ha UNDER OFFER

Stage 1a offers 15 premium lots on the most elevated portion of the site enjoying panoramic views to the west and south.

Titles now available.


Precinct Lot Number Area (approx)
Rural Living 11 2.0001ha SOLD
Rural Living 12 2.0002ha SOLD
Rural Living 13 2.0002ha SOLD
Rural Living 14 2.0012ha SOLD
Rural Living 15 2.0015ha SOLD
Lifestyle 19 2000m² SOLD
Lifestyle  20 2001m² SOLD
Lifestyle  21 2001m² SOLD
Lifestyle  22 2002m² SOLD
Lifestyle  23 2003m² SOLD
Lifestyle  24 2057m² SOLD
Lifestyle  25 2163m² SOLD
Lifestyle  26 2138m² SOLD
Lifestyle  27 2130m² SOLD
Lifestyle  28 2082m² SOLD

Disclaimer: JMW Real Estate the acting selling Agent and the Seller of the property, on whose behalf they are acting, hereby provide the following notice:

  1. All information provided regarding this property, whether contained in this document, information package, or any other form of communication, is given without any responsibility.
  2. Prospective Buyers should independently verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the information through their own inspections, searches, consultation with advisors, or any other necessary means.
  3. No individual employed by the marketing agents is authorized to make any representation or warranty whatsoever regarding this property
  4. The boundaries depicted on the map are approximate and for illustrative purposes only.